Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The not so happy holidays

For various reasons i dis-like the general thanksgiving - valentines day holidays. for various reasons, and generally the stress sends me into multiple panic attacks (which are quite funny after the fact). This past week has been no exception. All week multiple imbarassing, hurtful, and just plain annoying things have happened and when my mom asked what was wrong i burst into a terrible crying fit. For the next few days i attempted to take some advice from the good o'le sound of music and think of my favorite things.

  • retro clothes
  • music from the 60s and 70s
  • Lavern and Shirley
  • fuzzy boots
  • chi tea
  • basically anything covered in butter
Then last night God smiled upon my thoughts and i remembered my one true love who never lets me down!

oh yes an all american favorite! MCDONAL'S !!
not only did this wonderful wonderful man have a farm and a really great song written about him but he also makes some good cheese burgers ;). So if anyone else who is reading this is having a terrible horrible very bad day then go out and get a burger fries and a drink! 

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