Tuesday, January 4, 2011

it has been a long time man!

With the holidays I have been super busy butt here are some pics from whats gone on lately.
It snowed on Christmas =] the last time it snowed like this I was three! Then me and my frannd tina went to             little rosies. it was awesome.
for new years I spent the night at a friend from high school's house. It makes me really sad how stupid I was in high school and how I thought people hated me when they didn't. I really wish I had spent more time with this girl than I did, but it's okay no regrets better now than ever right???

In other news my grandfather died last Wednesday. He was 96 years old and taught me one important thing I do not ever wanna get old. I mean I do just not to the point I cant take a dump by myself ya know? I think once your at the point you can't go outside or poop it is unfair to be stuck here suffering remembering how you used to be able to wipe yourself. word??
ANYWAY.  he had a really good life. he lived the american dream. was poor got through the depression served in the navy ,worked hard, married and that marriage lasted 60 years! got two degrees and then raised a family of four crazy girls...i mean maybe the four crazy girls isnt part of the american dream but thats okay!

I never really talked to him but I know that if I was in trouble he would have bailed me out....or at least that's what i tell myself to feel better about the whole thing. haha oh well this has been a good time lately and i'm recharged ready to get back to living!! yeah man.

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