Thursday, January 20, 2011

a person is a person, no matter how small.

Yesterday at work there were many many grumpy Gertrudes that came into the cafe where I work, but there were two imparticular that really made an impression on me. The first was a lady that comes in every single day. she looks very much like this lady from harry potter...

 and there is really no one that looks like her friend. Anyway, she is very rude and every time I am done taking her order I feel quite drained. Later in the day I had a few moments to myself and I thought what could possibly make someone so mean to people who they see everyday. Then I realized maybe she is they way she is because that's just the way she was raised. Maybe, her parents looked down on those that don't do very glamorous jobs. What a sad life that would be. Never being able to see anyone else's view but only your own and always thinking everyone else that is not exactly like you is crazy because your stuck in only seeing life one way. I know that would make me pretty grumpy too. So when this lady and her friend come into where I work, I will no longer look at them as stuck up, but simply old ladies stuck inside the cage of their minds. And no longer let their glares bother me.

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