Wednesday, January 26, 2011

going crazy!

This past week some excitement has entered my life, but I don't want to give too  much away and jinx it! haha But I am SUPER excited and i cant stand the anticipation of it all! I have never done well with surprises and since most of life is surprising it just makes everything that much harder! haha when i was little i used to open all my presents a week early and then hide them in my closet. ofcorse i always go into so much trouble with those sorts of things. Really that is how i am in my life everyday. everything would be so much more simple if i knew where the heck i was going! i just feel like im walking around in the dark and when i think i have found something  i have been looking for i get wayyyyy to excited. so tonight, i will take a very long drive and just listen to music and enjoy being alone.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

a person is a person, no matter how small.

Yesterday at work there were many many grumpy Gertrudes that came into the cafe where I work, but there were two imparticular that really made an impression on me. The first was a lady that comes in every single day. she looks very much like this lady from harry potter...

 and there is really no one that looks like her friend. Anyway, she is very rude and every time I am done taking her order I feel quite drained. Later in the day I had a few moments to myself and I thought what could possibly make someone so mean to people who they see everyday. Then I realized maybe she is they way she is because that's just the way she was raised. Maybe, her parents looked down on those that don't do very glamorous jobs. What a sad life that would be. Never being able to see anyone else's view but only your own and always thinking everyone else that is not exactly like you is crazy because your stuck in only seeing life one way. I know that would make me pretty grumpy too. So when this lady and her friend come into where I work, I will no longer look at them as stuck up, but simply old ladies stuck inside the cage of their minds. And no longer let their glares bother me.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

it has been a long time man!

With the holidays I have been super busy butt here are some pics from whats gone on lately.
It snowed on Christmas =] the last time it snowed like this I was three! Then me and my frannd tina went to             little rosies. it was awesome.
for new years I spent the night at a friend from high school's house. It makes me really sad how stupid I was in high school and how I thought people hated me when they didn't. I really wish I had spent more time with this girl than I did, but it's okay no regrets better now than ever right???

In other news my grandfather died last Wednesday. He was 96 years old and taught me one important thing I do not ever wanna get old. I mean I do just not to the point I cant take a dump by myself ya know? I think once your at the point you can't go outside or poop it is unfair to be stuck here suffering remembering how you used to be able to wipe yourself. word??
ANYWAY.  he had a really good life. he lived the american dream. was poor got through the depression served in the navy ,worked hard, married and that marriage lasted 60 years! got two degrees and then raised a family of four crazy girls...i mean maybe the four crazy girls isnt part of the american dream but thats okay!

I never really talked to him but I know that if I was in trouble he would have bailed me out....or at least that's what i tell myself to feel better about the whole thing. haha oh well this has been a good time lately and i'm recharged ready to get back to living!! yeah man.